PT 101A
Introduction to Physical Therapy
2 units
Lec - 2 units (36 hours)
The subject of designed to give an overall picture of Physical Therapy as an emergent profession; its history; introduction
to subjects; definition of medical terms; scope of practice; the difference of rehabilitation medicine and physical therapy;
the philosophy of rehabilitation as to its problem orientation and organization and treatment approaches. The roles of rehabilitation
team members are also discussed.
PT 102
Introduction to Patient Care
4 units
Lec - 3 units (54 hours)
This course is designed to introduce the students to Physical Therapy, in relation to patient care which covers patient-therapist
interaction, positioning and draping, posture and body mechanics, vital signs, mobility and transfers, equipment prescription
and training including bandaging and taping techniques. This also covers aspects of treatment and techniques such as hydrotherapy,
massage and traction.
PT 103
Electrotherapy 1
3 units
Lec - 2 units (36 hours)
Lab - 1 unit (36 hours)
This course deals with the discussion, demonstration and application of various heating and cryotherapy modalities. Included
are the different indications, contraindications and precautions for each. The course also includes the different stages of
tissue healing and the properties of skin relevant to electrotherapy.
PTA 101
Anatomy 1
5 units
Lec - 4 units (72 hours)
Lab - 1 unit (36 hours)
It includes an introduction to the basic anatomical nomenclature and general organization of the human body. It centers
on the detailed study of the musculoskeletal system and the neurovascular system, particularly of the extremities and trunk,
the clinical application of each topic covered is discussed at the end of every session. Likewise the lectures are supplemented
by actual dissection of human cadaver(s) during laboratory sessions.
PTA 103
3 units
Lec - 2 units ( 36 hours)
Lab - 1 unit (36 hours)
This course enables the student to gain knowledge on the development and functional approaches to the morphology of the
nervous system in correlation with clinical neurology and neuropathology.
PTA 105
General Physiology
5 units
Lec - 4 units (72 hours)
Lab - 1 unit (36 hours)
The course is designed for students to gain knowledge about the basic mechanisms by which the human body functions, specifically
the physiologic mechanisms of the muscular and nervous systems.
PTMF 107
Human Growth and Development with Family Planning
3 units
Lec - 3 units (54 hours)
This course presents a description of changes that a human being undergoes from conception to old age. It concentrates
on the perceptual, motor, cognitive and psychosocial development of individual in the different stages of life. Such knowledge
is important in approaching and evaluation of patients of various ages and backgrounds.
PT 104
Electrotherapy 2
3 units
Lec - 2 units (36 hours)
Lab - 1 unit (36 hours)
This course deals with different electrotherapeutic modalities used by physical therapists. Among these modalities are
EX, FES, TENS and IC. A discussion about the different currents used in the production of some modalities will also be used.
Emphasis will be given on indication, contraindication and physiological effects. Methods of application will also be discussed
as well as the different frequencies, intensities, and duration of the treatment for each modality based from the sound practice
and physician's advice. Electrodiagnosis is also a part of the course.
PT 105
Principles of Evaluation Technique
4 units
Lec - 3 units (54 hours)
Lab - 1 unit (36 hours)
This course is an application of the knowledge of anatomy, physics and biomechanics, and neurophysiology to measurement
and movement. It deals with the evaluation and application of equipment, appliances and training procedures to assist the
handicapped to achieve maximum function. It includes teaching methods for independence at home and at work as well as surmounting
architectural barriers, ROM, MMT, history taking and note taking, patient evaluation, transfers and assistive devices.
PT 106
Physiology of Exercise
4 units
Lec - 3 units (54 hours)
Lab - 1 unit (36 hours)
This course orients the students on the principles and foundations of exercise. The importance of a preliminary evaluation
and technique of writing a complete exercise prescription should also be stressed. The basic types of exercises and postural
exercises and their corresponding techniques are also discussed.
PTA 102
Organ System Anatomy
4 units
Lec - 3 units (54 hours)
Lab - 1 unit (36 hours)
The course provides a continuum in the study of gross human anatomy. It includes the regional anatomy of the cardiovascular,
respiratory, digestive, reproductive, endocrine, circulatory and lymphatic system. The laboratory activities will primarily
center on dissection of the cardiovascular organs.
PTA 106
Organ System Physiology
5 units
Lec - 4 units (72 hours)
Lab - 1 unit (36 hours)
The course provides an introduction to system physiology which is concerned with the function of different organs of the
cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, reproductive, endocrine, circulatory, and lymphatic system, Emphasis is on the physiologic
basis of conditions seen and treatment procedures administered by the physical therapist.
PTMF 101
Pathology and Microbiology
3 units
Lec - 3 units (54 hours)
The subject provides background knowledge on host tissue and cellular reaction to common pathologic conditions. It is
divided into eight (8) modules with special emphasies given to the basic concepts and principles and the diseases of the musculoskeletal
system. The modules consist of 1) generalities in pathology; 2) inflammation and repair; 3) hemodynamic disturbances; 4) microbiology
and infection; 5) neoplastic conditions; 6) immunologic disturbances; 7) genetic disturbances and 8) degenerative states.
PT 107
Specific Exercises
4 units
Lec - 3 units (54 hours)
Lab - 1 unit (36 hours)
This course includes the sequential development of various exercise programs for specific conditions and the development
of basic teaching skills for the implementations of these exercises. The course deals with planning or formulating an exercise
program, its implementation and teaching it, not only to the patient, but to the caregivers as well.
PT 109
Seminar 1
2 units
Lec - 2 units (36 hours)
The course integrates and correlates all the knowledge acquired by the students in the basic sciences, medical and surgical
lectures, and PT lectures. Disease entities and pathologic conditions encountered in the rehabilitation setting shall be discussed
as their pathophysiology, correlative anatomy / neuroanatomy, signs and symptoms, clinical evaluation including diagnosis
and differential diagnosis, medical and physical therapy management including but not limited to exercises, modalities, and
home exercise program.
PT 111
Organization and Administration
2 units
Lec - 2 units (36 hours)
This course deals on the organization and administration of rehabilitation in Physical Therapy units found in hospitals,
clinics, communities and schools for Physical Therapists. It focuses on the direction and management, duties and responsibilities
of a supervisor, interdepartmental relationships, personnel selection, department planning and design, fiscal management and
importance of various records pertinent to the practice of Physical Therapy. Likewise, the course also includes the study
of the Physical Therapy Law, its importance and relevance in the Philippines.
PTA 104
5 units
Lec - 5 units (90 hours)
The course represents a study on the principles and application of biomechanics and kinetics, with emphasis on force,
motion and equilibrium. After undergoing a review of neurophysiology and anatomy of different segments of the musculoskeletal
system, kinesiologic analysis of the different body segments will be done. Lastly, important aspects of posture and locomotion
are likewise discussed.
PTMF 102
Medical Psychiatry
3 units
Lec - 3 units (54 hours)
This course deals with specific discussion on patient's reaction to disability, illness and dying. This will also include
a discussion on some mental health problems and psychiatric disorders that can be encountered in physical therapy practice.
The course will also provide a discussion on human development in the perspective of psychiatry.
PTMF 103
Medical Foundations 1
5 units
Lec - 5 units (90 hours)
This course offers definition, classification, epidemiology, natural history, clinical manifestations, medical / surgical
rehabilitation / PT management as well as prognosis and consequent disabilities of general medical and pediatric impairments
commonly encountered in the practice of Physical Therapy.
PTMF 108
2 units
Lec - 2 units (36 hours)
This course is designed to help students familiarize themselves with the most common medications / drugs prescribed to
the patients commonly seen in the practice of Physical Therapy. Emphasis is given on the indications, drug interaction, side
effects and adverse effects of each of these drugs that can influence the clinical course and management of the different
cases. Great importance is given to analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, anti-cancer drugs and drugs for neurologically impaired
PT 108
Advanced Therapeutic Exercise
4 units
Lec - 2 units (36 hours)
Lab - 2 units (36 hours)
This course deals with the theories and techniques of specialized exercise regimens used in the management of neurological
conditions. It includes a review of neurophysiology as applied in each exercise regimen. Among the different exercise regimens,
emphasis is made on various neurodevelopmental techniques, particularly the principles and guidelines of each method.
PT 110
Seminar 2
2 units
Lec - 2 units (36 hours)
This course integrates and correlates all the knowledge acquired by the students in the basic sciences, medical and surgical
lectures and PT lectures. Disease entities and pathologic conditions encountered in the rehabilitation setting shall be discussed
as their pathophysiology, correlative anatomy / neuroanatomy, signs and symptoms, clinical evaluation including diagnosis
and differential diagnosis, medical and physical therapy management including but not limited to exercises, modalities and
home exercise program.
PT 112
Introduction to Clinics
2 units
Lec - 2 units (36 hours)
This course deals with the technique of handling patients, the presentation of the students findings and management during
didactic sessions
PT 113
Research Methodology
3 units
Lec - 3 units (54 hours)
This course deals with the discussion and presentation of what Research Methodology is all about, from its major components,
types and design so as to help students to be able to familiarize themselves on how to conduct a research process and in the
end, come up with their own research / thesis paper.
PTMF 104
Medical Foundations 2
3 units
Lec - 3 units (54 hours)
The definition, classification, epidemiology, natural history, clinical manifestations, medical / surgical / rehabilitation
/ PT management and prognosis of neurologic and neurosurgical impairments and their consequent disabilities are presented
and discussed.
PTMF 105
Medical Foundations 3
5 units
Lec - 5 units (90 hours)
The definition, classification, epidemiology, history, clinical manifestation, management, rehabilitation and prognosis
of surgical and orthopedic conditions commonly seen in Physical Therapy are taught to the students. Potential disability and
impairment are also presented.
PTMF 106
Orthotics and Prosthetics
4 units
Lec - 4 units (72 hours
The course deals with the study of the principles and guidelines in splinting, casting, bandaging and taping. It also
focuses on the discussions of the indications and contra-indications, prescription, measurement, fitting and check out of
upper and lower extremity orthotic devices, spinal braces and upper and lower extremity prosthetic devices. A review of the
gait cycle is likewise discussed.
PTCI 101
Clinical Internship 1
18 units
A 6-month clinical training program wherein the students are assigned to rotate and have their training at the Sections
of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of different hospitals. During this course, the interns or trainees are given the
opportunity to apply the theoretical principles and knowledge that they have acquired for the past four academic years in
clinical setting. Training consists of assessment of patients conditions, setting patients goals, planning of patients treatment
program based on the patients present condition and goals, carrying out the treatment plan and providing home instructions
or program for the patient. In addition, interns skill and documentation, communication and interpersonal skills are also
trained during this course. Interns have their clinical duty from Mondays to Fridays, eight hours per day. Saturdays are allotted
for academic rotation at the College. Academic rotation refers to the time where the cases handled by the interns during their
center rotation are discussed and presented to the class. It is also the time when other activities of the course are done
such as the Monthly Oral Revalida, Monthly Written Revalida, Case Conferences and special lectures.
PTCI 102
Clinical Internship 2
15 units
A 6-month clinical training program wherein the students are assigned to rotate and have their training at the Sections
of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of different hospitals. During this course, the interns or trainees are given the
opportunity to apply the theoretical principles and knowledge that they have acquired for the past four academic years in
clinical setting. Training consists of assessment of patients conditions, setting patients goals, planning of patients treatment
program based on the patients present condition and goals, carrying out the treatment plan and providing home instructions
or program for the patient. In addition, interns skill and documentation, communication and interpersonal skills are also
trained during this course. Interns have their clinical duty from Mondays to Fridays, eight hours per day. Saturdays are allotted
for academic rotation at the College. Academic rotation refers to the time where the cases handled by the interns during their
center rotation are discussed and presented to the class. It is also the time when other activities of the course are done
such as the Monthly Oral Revalida, Monthly Written Revalida, Case Conferences and special lectures.
Research Writing
3 units
This includes the actual thesis writing of the interns and its presentation to a panel of adjudicators. It includes the
monthly submission of thesis updates, peer and self evaluations and final copies a the approved thesis.